Quotes by Cyan
Life gets easier when you discover your individuality.
If you’re not happy, change your direction.
Every direction is waiting for your choice.
Nothing can be, unless you aspire for it.
Something could be, as you lean into it.
Anything will be, if you begin becoming it.
It's not about what you have,
But how well you take care of what you have.
Different spaces allow different types of growth.
When you’re thrown where you didn’t expect to be,
And no one is around but your unlimited mental strength.
Freedom is in the mind,
And only you can control the ability of that strength.
Life is as hard as your last lesson not learned.
You’ve been through this before.
Don’t make it more complicated than what you already know.
The fear of abandonment can only reach as far as you go.
Don’t let the result consume you when you know it’s coming.
Own up to your mistakes and aspire to who you desire.
A regret is a lesson you didn’t learn.
Always learn, so you never regret.
Learn to need what you’ve been given,
And want what holds your curiosity to learn more about.
When life gives you options,
Claim what gives you attention.
No one knows you better than who chooses you.
Absorb your potential and you will master an ability.
Presumptions are for the weak-minded, too focused on what they don’t know.
Judgements are for the weak-hearted, too fearful to heal from their past.
Their assumptions of you give them illusion of control in their life.
Their predictions of you distract them from paying attention to their life.
Give your attention to standing strong, you know what is true about you.
If what you believe as true is an assumption, do you believe in your dreams while sleeping?
Or are they an illusion of your perspective of an expectation?
Aren’t their illusions merely a creation of your own false expectations?
Do you believe in your assumptions, or what is true?
If you don’t believe in magic,
How are your thoughts anything more to believe?
Their illusion is the same.
Paradise isn’t something you see or experience.
It’s a place in your mind.
The most beautiful place that exists is a creation in your imagination.
Change your intentions if you don’t enjoy who the attention goes to.
Your audience creates you.
If you’re focused on tearing others down,
You’re only transferring your eye on a different prize,
Than bringing yourself up.
Pay attention to how they treat their inferiors.
Control is the illusion of power.
Only a peaceful mind is powerful.
Control slows us down as we discover what provides us peace.
Peace allows us to see clearly as we tame where we want control.
Accept the absence of what’s out of your control.
Gain back power of being at peace without expectation.
Grasp the struggle of creation, better to have one than none.
As we tumble through time, breathing a dream only we desire to give life.
Frightened by thought if any at all, distracting ourselves to avoid unspoken truth.
So focused on what we already know, leading us to see the past is prologue.
Your desires forecast the truest form of your future.
Absorb your environment, know the difference of when to inhale and when to hold your breath.
Monitor your step, go noticed when appropriate and unnoticed when necessary.
Tame your essence, your beauty deserves its secrets and humility.
If the opposite of what you believed in didn't exist,
You'd have nothing to believe in.
Any way could potentially give me the right day.
Any day could potentially give me a different way.
One with wings doesn't try to fly, it flies.
One with roots doesn't try to grow, it grows.
Accept life’s extremes.
If contrast is lost,
You lose appreciation for life.
When appreciation is lost,
You lose the value for life.
How could I choose one direction,
When I have everywhere to go?
How many times can you be told practice makes perfect until you’re perfect?
You’ll never be perfect,
So always keep practicing.
Believe nothing in time,
Except what is witnessed by the presence of your time.
Even then keep an open mind about time,
Especially when it has passed.
There's no waiting in life,
If you use your time right.
All that hasn't been still has unaltered capability.
All that isn’t found still has endless possibility.
All that once was still has significant profitability.
If you stay ready, you will never have to get ready.
If you believe in the benefit of change,
Change becomes natural.
When change is natural,
The benefit seems inevitable.
The universe,
Holding no obligation to make sense.
Who are you so special to know?
Explore your questions,
Find your own answer.
The space we breathe is always changing,
Shift with positivity, and your spaces will measure positively.